Can you please offend me politely?

I love a rant.

All bloggers do. In fact, it's quite possible that over half what I read on blogs is a rant of some form. I don't want to read about kittens and sailboats - it's just plain boring. We love to complain, but why do we do it in such a public way? And why do our readers enjoy it? And how far is too far? There have been a couple of posts recently that have sparked something in me, and made me reflect on my own writing, and my experience with criticism.

One is Mark's at twofortyeightam on Benihana Kuwait. Mark is a very popular blogger in Kuwait, and he reviewed a restaurant with a thumbs down. Although it's not completely scathing, it definitely doesn't make you want to eat there. But he's a just a blogger.... I mean bloggers write this kind of stuff all the time, don't they? I'm guilty of it, and got my carving knife stuck into both Verre and Stay recently. But Benihana Kuwait decided to sue him. The funny thing is, nobody else really took a much notice of the post until it became famous through Benihana's retiliatory action. Most restaurants would contact the blogger, ask him to come back and try again in the hope they would be able to get him to remove his ugly post and pop up something a little less harsh. But Benihana Kuwait felt so strongly about it, they are taking him to court. What pushed them over the line?

The second is a Vanity Fair post in the Culture Section. It's written by A A Gill, who has a bit of a reputation for scandalous ranting, and a history of upsetting people so much they tend to take him to court quite a bit. And after reading his wikipedia bio, for the sake of baboons all over the world, I'm going to try as hard as I can to avoid his work for the rest of my life. This particular article is called Dubai on Empty, and it attacks almost every side of Dubai - the weather, the culture, the architecture, the population, the financials, the events and the style. And as a lover of Dubai it got me pretty miffed. So why does this particular post get me so annoyed?

A few years back, my husband had a friend called Adrian Leicestershire (not his real name). Adrian was a very witty bloke - he's probably a bit like A A Gill. He was also the unheralded Earl of St Kilda, and for a time, it seemed that whenever we were out in the area, he would turn up at our table with a glass of red in hand, and impart some topical quip or tale that would have us amused by his intelligence or laughing at his perspective... But he was quite opinionated, and several times, he discomposed a friend or two of mine. I didn't realise what a complete arse he was until he attacked me one day. He had been married to a winemaker (now divorced), and had gone on to say that - despite the fact that his expertise was in finance - he taught her everything she knows, and that without male guidance, women would get nowhere in the wine industry, "because physically they were incapable of consistantly telling a good wine from a bad." Now I had just studied wine for 4 years, so as you can imagine, I was a tad upset. The conversation bloomed like a mushroom cloud, and unfortunately I lost all composure and had to leave the wine dinner wailing like a big hormonal baby. We are no longer in contact with Adrian.

So. Offense. Is it funny? What is the difference between a harmless rant and genuine offense?

As for the first blog post (Mark and Benihana), I think this is a harmless rant - well, not entirely harmless, I must admit.  But the greater damage has been caused by the restaurant management - it's a PR disaster, because somebody took something too personally, and put feelings in the way of critique. And it is critique - he points out both the good and the bad, and the way he writes suggests a perspective, not a cold hard fact.

The second example (Gill and Dubai) is blatantly offensive. It is written as a statement of fact. There is only condemnation, no suggestion that a silver lining - however small - could lie undiscovered by him. His statements are sweeping generalizations, and because they generalise, they can be read as quite racist. He has not backed up his statements with solid facts - but here in the back-up, an inappropriate position, we see his opinions - his theories on why "these people" behave the way he says they all do. A A Gill often writes in this way. It is a shame, because his writing has a flow that is admirable, and possibly if the subject matter did not so offend me, I would enjoy the piece. But that's what happens with writers like Gill - everything's fine and dandy until it touches a nerve.

And Adrian Leicestershire is the same. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt, and then you see the speaker for what they are - a bitter, twisted little soul, who can think of little to speak about but the faults of others.

So for me, the rant/offense balance is tipped thus:
  1. Make sure everyone knows it's your opinion that this group is a bunch of clowns - not fact.
  2. Back up your perspective with fact, and relate it to personal experience.
  3. Talk about how it affects you - if it doesn't hurt you in some way, what is the point of complaining?
  4. Make things specific rather than using sweeping statements - these come of as racist, sexist etc.
  5. Make it constructive criticism - if the accused has no way of knowing how to improve, again the rant is pointless (unless your main objective is indeed to cause pain, which could get you sued)
    And in my personal opinion, make it funny, or at least write it well - otherwise I'm going to tune out. Here's a lovely example - Seebee's been having some issues with HSBC...



    1. Totally agree... without humour to sweeten it a little, it's just bitter and unsavory.

      Well done!

    2. Speaking as a "white mercenary worker", one of the "parasites and sycophants for cash", I must say in all honesty that I could find only a single factual inaccuracy in Mr Gill's article, and only a partial inaccuracy at that. Judging by his statement that Dubai is, "a holiday resort with the worst climate in the world. It boils. It’s humid", it would appear that Mr Gill visited Dubai during the summer. Now Dubai during the summer is not really fit for human habitation. But Dubai during the winter is simply lovely, at least by comparison.

      Mr. Gill's article might be offensive to yourself and others but the only question that really matters is, "Is the article factual?" Stripped of the bias that every author infuses in his work, I have to say that every fact stated in Mr Gill's article is accurate. And as the lawyers say, "The truth is a complete defence".

    3. Anon- you miss my point. He loses fact in his generalizations. Would you like me to through each and every statement and find you examples of his inaccuracy? I know emiratis, and none fit into the stereotype he describes, and although there are some accurate observations, his act of stamping entire demographics with his ugly mark makes them lose strength, and in many cases become untrue.

    4. I see your point but I'm not sure it's as egregious an error as you seem to think. There isn't a day that goes by that The Gulf News or The Khaleej Times doesn't have an article generalising about "the West" or "Americans". If you'll forgive the generalisation, generalisations are everywhere, and necessarily so. Life isn't long enough to meet and get to know every Emirati (or American or whatever) so we generalise on the basis of the experiences and information available to us. Speaking generally, I think that most folks recognise generalisations and the limitations of generalisations.

      There is nothing in Mr Gill's article that I can see that could be said to be baseless. Pampered Emiratis, mercenary expats, and exploited and abused Asians are all part of the fabric of Dubai. That's not to say that that's all there is to Dubai, but as a generalisation - and subject to the limits of a generalisation - I can't fault Mr Gill's article.


    5. OK Anon - I'm so glad he doesn't offend you. Why don't you go on reading the rants of that baboon shooting angry man and I'll try and find something a little more highbrow and exact.

      Enjoy your next brunch. (or does that generalize your stereotype a little too much?)

    6. the vernacular of my land, you can dish it out but can't take it. It's unfair for you to deny A his opinion while sharing yours. The Gill piece was a generalization but I can honestly say that after 16 years in Dubai I feel it's pretty accurate. Of course he didn't mention the sweet guy at Spinneys or the beauty of the night sky when camping in the desert. That isn't his experience. And yours isn't mine, etc. But they are all authentic, nonetheless.

    7. hey everybody, I did not say some parts of the article were not accurate - I don't hink you have read my post carefully. If you re-read what I wrote above, you will see that I said that I find his WRITING STYLE generalized and offensive. If I jumped up and down about every article written that slammed Dubai, then I would never blog about anything else.

      Sure, some parts are true - I love the genie analogy, I've had it up to my eyeballs looking at enormous bumpy english buttocks under silk, just like he has, the way he describes the driver getting lost is spot on. And yes, there are a hell of a lot of young Emiratis with very shiny cars. I am not arguing with any of that.

      It is the WAY he has written it. I'm not going to go over this again - re-read the post above. Gill has a habit of getting himself sued because of the way he writes - I'm not the only one who feels this way.

      And as for dishing it out but not being able to take it:
      - I never leave an anonymous comment
      - I constantly correct and reassess myself (just as I have done in the preparation of this post) and am aware of my myriad of failings
      - Of course I am going to share my opinion - this is MY BLOG. If Gill wants to come on here and leave a message, he is welcome to. I will probably cry, but I will publish it, just as I have yours.

    8. Accuracy is one thing but intent is another. Isn't everyone bored by the same cookie cutter articles about Dubai? On one side you have the free marketeers who cheer the economic freedom. On the other hand you have the people who bemoan the crassness this creates.

      Painting everything is such stark black and white seems not only lazy but boring. I don't suggest you can pull back the curtain with a brief visit but I don't think things are as cut and dry as most articles about Dubai seem. Mr Gill's included.

    9. I am an Emarati, and I couldn't have said it better. Thanks Sarah!

      You'd be blind if you can't see the bigotry in his writing, or just as bigoted. We all know that Dubai is not Utopia. Far from it. But neither is the country the Gill hails from, or any other country on this planet.

      The only thing I felt when reading the article is sorry. I am really sorry for the guy. He sounds really bitter.

    10. Sarah,

      In my opinion, I find that some people mistake meanness for wit. The sardonic, caustic, awful punchlines that seem funny on the surface but are just simply mean seem to be the lifeblood of such persons. Humour does not have to be ugly to be funny.

      It is also ironic to criticize another's breeding by being crass.

      Journalism is about reporting facts and where opinions are proferred, they should be done so with qualifications like "some, many etc" to allow for the rest of people who naturally do not fit in one-size-fits-all generalizations.

      All of this, as stated, is merely my opinion, except of course the previous paragraph, which is factual by journalism standards and best practices.
