Dog days

The extended and sultry days at the peak of summer. Generally accompanied by a lack of progress.

I have been AWOL.

I am lost in a haze of sun, sea mist, lacklustre energy. I am awoken daily, several hours after rising from bed when I plunge myself into the icy adriatic. I then proceed to send myself to sleep again, by the way of the gentle swaying of a dinghy, the heat of the sun on my pale limbs, and copious amounts of other relaxants such as alcohol and smooth tunes.

Croatia is a postcard, and so to match my current mood, I will simply send you some of my favourites. I expect to tune in some time soon with more details, but for the moment, Ja ću gledati na moru...




  1. The photos are simply fabulous! Love, love, love them. Had no idea you were in Croatia, hope you have a wonderful trip and can't wait to hear more about it when you get back!

  2. Looks that beer's going down really well in the heat!

  3. What fun you seem to be having. Back here it's hot, humid and slow.

  4. Fab photos as always. Country I've long wanted to visit, and your post has just reinforced that want. Thanks!
