Kiddies Corn Fritters

These have always a staple in our family. I think they started off as a breakfast item, but now they are one of the most frequently requested dinner veggies, and I always save some for the lunchbox the next day.

Considering we have switched to being gluten and dairy free, they've seen a little adjustment. I now use a gluten flour mix (Doves Farm self raising) and I replace cow's milk with camel milk (easy to buy here in Dubai, low in bad casein, and a creamier replica than soy or rice milk). The recipe tastes just as good either way.

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 x 340g tin of sweet corn (12 Oz)
  • 3/4 cup self raising flour
  • 1/2 cup milk 
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  • pinch salt
  • pinch smoked paprika

  1. In a blender, mix 1/2 the tin of corn with the eggs, milk, salt and paprika. 
  2. When smooth, turn off and add peas and remainder of the corn and stir in (will be lumpy)
  3. Heat a non-stick pan to medium-high with a little oil, and fry tablespoonfuls a few at a time, turning when bubbles appear (just like with pancakes)

These taste good hot or cold, and keep for a day or two in the fridge. Adult them up a bit with a spicy salsa and a squeeze of lime, or add green chili and garlic to the blend.

Some kids are picky with texture (mine used to be), if so, you can always blend the entire lot - but frozen peas tend to leave bits of skin if they are not very good quality - maybe substitute with steamed broccoli. This will make a looser mix though, so make smaller spoonfuls when frying. Alternatively, if you like a bit more texture, you can leave the corn out of the initial blend and have super lumpy fritters. 

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