Anyway, as I was sitting there on my lonesome, I was enjoying the changes that have come to my life since the blessed arrival of Mary. I quite enjoy solitude, and I honestly can't remember getting any of it back in my old life, unless you count while I was sleeping, but I was always accompanied by the orchestrations of my husband's sinuses. Not entirely peaceful....
Within two weeks, my youngest son had disappeared for all except the really fun stuff - feeding, changing nappies, tidying up toys, unceasing walks around the block all became a thing of the past. I actually had to work to get him back, and explain to Mary that I didn't actually mind doing those things (which was not entirely true - the feeding of Goldilocks has remained my most dreaded of tasks, as he is now three and a half, and has only just graduated from soup and custard to all different kinds of junk food).
But the greatest change involved the freedom. I started to have coffee with the girls (I use that term very loosely) once or twice a week, and I found I actually had time for a haircut. Before long I was getting fat, and had to ditch the bickies and lattes for pilates - but that was fine too - because with a sense of freedom comes an open mind, and I simply told my exercise-hating brain that it was going to be fun. And if that didn't work, then I had 3 clinics within walking distance of our villa that could suck and clip and flatten and plump every square inch of my body.
Well I finished my coffee, and then had breakfast, deciding that the bacon and eggs could be worked off during a double-lap of the Dubai Mall (3 km in high heels thankyou very much). And then regretted ordering bacon, because it was beef bacon and tasted and had the texture of a dried up old steak stuffed in a dried up old boot. At least they are getting better at making coffee over here - but they still have a long way to go.
By the way - best coffee in Dubai is at Brunetti at the Dubai Mall. Interestingly, it is a Melbourne cafe...
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