Feel the Serenity

Today I will be a woman of little words. Very hard for me, but I'm channeling tranquility. This is Photo Friday's theme, and I'm pretty big on it, although find I don't get enough - those pesky leprechauns that I bred are constantly making me mother them.

This is Sa'ala's beach towel. He lives on the beach in Abu Dhabi. He makes great cardamom tea and lets me cuddle his camels.

Today is a very different Friday, and I have a date with Santa and 400 other leprechauns at 4pm. Think I might need a G and T....

If you have the inclination to see more of my photos, they are on my other blog, the Sandpit Diaries. It is way more mature and thoughtful. Actually, no, that's a lie. 


  1. You shall need the peace and tranqililty (as well as the G&T) after the Santa date. Good luck with that!

  2. Santa was overpriced and they weren't serving booze. Think I need therapy.
    By the way, Barney is even scarier in real life, even when he has balloons
