Amman - entry to Jordan

Just a postcard today.  Here begins my series on Jordan. This morning I woke to a misty monochromatic dawn. Amman stretches over undulations in perfect repetition like so many white Lego towers. In half an hour I leave with Mr Ahmad to Bethany on the Jordan, where Jesus Christ was baptized two thousand years ago. Will I return washed clean? I fear it may take some scrubbing... 

Until later.


  1. FANTASTIC photo. Can't wait to hear about your experiences in Jordan - I've been twice and would love to go again. Petra will blow you away (also, the Dead Sea - amazing). Have fun.

  2. Amman really is monochromatic. I always call it the beige city. Enjoy :)

  3. Hi Sarah,

    So how did the trip go? Looking forward to reading your stories about it.

    1. Just back home today, and much writing to do this afternoon! Had a wonderful time - Jordan is so very underrated. Should be on everyone's bucket list.

    2. Yes, too true. Been there twice already and won't mind going there again :-)

  4. Thanks! So honoured, especially from a blogger like you Edwina!
