Mountain of the sun - Jebel Shams

Few words today. There's a Champagne dinner tonight, the International Fine Food Festival today, and a magazine's coming around to photograph all my Christmas recipes tomorrow. Did I mention my house is a mess?

Anyway, here's a few tempters to get you all excited about the Oman posts I'm about to pop up (when I have time to scratch the proverbial). This is Jebel Shams and the Omani Grand Canyon - the second largest canyon in the world.

Take the drive in the early afternoon, see the top of the mountain and the bottom of the valley as the shadows begin to creep across it, then watch the sun paint the mountains as it comes down the incline with you. Quite spectacular, I must say.




  1. What spectacular pictures. Looks like they put a safety rail up since we were there! Love the smiling mountain goat!


  2. "The Hedonista" has been included in the Sites To See for this week. I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  3. Cheers Jerry! Very flattered. Coming over now to get myself some new sites to see!

  4. Wow - that's amazing! Great photos. I'm so mad I didn't see that on my trip to Oman. :(
